Engage Kids
Birth – 6th Grade
Welcome to Engage Kids

Mandan Engage Kids at 9:00am & 10:45am

Engage Kids is our kids program for infants through Elemenary school. Since children are constantly growing, our focus is on helping kids GROW in faith. Each week your child will be ENGAGED in age appropriate worship, games, and lessons. These activities are led by our certified volunteers who are passionate about helping kids have fun as they GROW!
New Here?

Your First Visit
When you arrive, look for the Kids Check-In Desk in the lobby. We’ll check in your child and one of our volunteers will direct you to their appropriate room(s). You’ll receive a “claim tag” that is our security for “claiming” your child at the end of the service. Should an emergency arise, we will text your phone to come to your child.
Checking In
When checking in, we’ll need the following information for the safety of your child: Family members’ names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number (cell to text in emergency), and any allergies or special instructions. To speed up your check-in process, you can register online now!